Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BTS053: Preconception. Teen short film.

Teen film short. Jump to conclusions? Wrong idea? Wait until the end. These teen films are packed with message. Brilliant!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

BTS052: Summer Camp in the Balkans

Music video. Summer Camp. Young people in the Balkans, united in unforgettable friendship and fun. This clever approach to "internationalizing" a video without any spoken language is brilliant! The message is: people. Young people.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Monday, April 28, 2014

BTS051: Interview with Peter Burns, CEO, YMCA Victoria, Australia

YouTube Video. Did you know? The YMCA Victoria (Australia) was bankrupt in 1978? What made Peter Burns, the 14 year old kid on a YMCA excursion to New Zealand, break down into tears? Learn all this and much more in this episode 2 of Triangulation:cause-driven conversation with a great, veteran, movement leader at perhaps the largest and most comprehensive such organization on the planet!

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, April 25, 2014

BTS050: YMCA Bitola - Young Men Leadership Project

YMCA Bitola, a camping experience as part of a Young Men Leadership Project. Listen to their stories. What's your favorite story? Mine, the one about the "Democracy" class. Powerful statement.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

BTS049: Camp Independence, more than just a name

What's your staff to camper ratio? Camp Independence: more than just a name - a *new* lifestyle for every girl and boy. Independence. 1:1 ratio of staff to campers. Listen to the kids' own stories. Listen to the parents' accounts of real change in their kids.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BTS048: Why Frost Valley YMCA Changed My Life

Contest Winning Video. Smiles. Laughter. Sheer joy! This is the video Aaron Philip made about his Flying Squirrel experience. Aaron won the contest and was awarded a trip to Frost Valley Summer Camp. His title says it all: Why Frost Valley Changed My Life. #YMCA

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

BTS047: The Greatest Gift!

The Greatest Gift. Watch this story of 2 brothers. Moving. Another great documented positive impact from the Frost Valley YMCA, volunteers, staff and donors. Life-changing!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, April 21, 2014

BTS046: Frost Valley YMCA - Summer 2014

Summer Camp 2014. Published in November 2013. Thinking ahead. Planning ahead. Executing ahead. Outstanding production and timing from the marketing team at the Frost Valley YMCA. Whose kids wouldn't want to go to this camp?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, April 18, 2014

BTS045: Swimming - A Skill for Life

Swimming is a skill for life, not just a summer sport.
Water Safety. Drowning prevention. What is your YMCA doing? Share your special programs.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

BTS044: A Day of Action, Part 2 of 2

These young leaders are tired of words. They want action. And they are willing to commit to a #worldymca movement that is action-based for justice.

Hey #YMCA! Do you recycle? These young leaders do. Watch them start a movement and spread the word.  

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

BTS043: Recycling - World YMCA

Short video set to lively music. Global coordinated initiative to promote responsible recycling around the world. 9 out of 10 people would recycle more if it were easier. How can your YMCA recycle more?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BTS042: YMCA New York City, 4 human interest stories

2 New facilities. 4 human interest stories. Each with its own special gift back to the community. Oh yeah, and something about 3 days and $100,000+ in new donations via social media.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!
(severe audio issues on this episode - :(

Monday, April 14, 2014

BTS041: Meet the Board of Directors!

Video: Meet the Board of Directors of YMCA NSW (New South Wales, Australia). Watch the video to see the FUN way this was developed. You'll find everything from Elvis to Elephants. Really! Enjoy. 

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, April 11, 2014

BTS040: Donors - Mission Impact

Short Video Donors: Mission Impact. YMCA Louisville - An emotional appeal showing the power of donors. 
Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

BTS039: Donor Appreciation, Mission Impact

From the TwinCities YMCA. This brief video has two parts. Part 1: the data, the facts. Part 2: The outcomes. Real, positive, tangible outcomes as a result of donors: their Time, Talent, and Treasure.
(In honor of the 2014 #NAYDO Conference.)

Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

BTS038: YMCA Victoria, Australia

YMCA Victoria (Australia) - 3 stories about the power of this YMCA making a difference in people's lives. Which story resonates most with you? Why? 
Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

BTS037: Nurturing Potential

A series of 3 video shorts 30 sec, 60 sec, 80 sec PSA for the very good work being done in YMCAs throughout Canada.

Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, April 7, 2014

BTS036: Get Creative!

The aim of the YMCA World Challenge is to tell the YMCA story by mobilizing 5 million people on the same day.  A day to show to our communities and the world how the YMCA is empowering young people and transforming communities, using culture, sports, education, exchange programs, and many other tools and activities. 

Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, April 4, 2014

BTS035: Where has Community gone?

A YMCA public service announcement on the importance of community. The video is 3 years old. The YMCA, 170 years old. The topic of community is timeless. Is the video, the YMCA, and the topic of community still relevant?
Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

BTS034: A New Vision for YMCAs of Australia

The YMCAs of Australia has released a new Vision, setting the course to have an even greater positive social impact on the health and happiness of our nation in local communities across Australia. 

Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BTS033: 20th Anniversary - Gabrovo YMCA, Bulgaria

Two participants from YMCA Bitola were present in the activities of the program for the celebration and the national meeting of YMCA Bulgaria with partner organizations. Within the program there were various activities that marked the 20th anniversary. There was a formal reception provided for the partners, an exhibition of works by child artists, social activities on the city square, a concert with the most popular local youth groups and a rich program with folklore, dancing and rock 'n' roll. It was a great addition to the celebration of volunteers, staff, children, parents, and all others who have seen some benefit from the YMCA. 

Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BTS032: StormTroopers Dance YMCA

Wait for it... all the way at the end. There's the message. Enjoy the fun super-short video.

Behind-The-Scenes: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!