Tuesday, September 30, 2014

BTS157: Non-stop - Camp Becket

Fast-paced. Non-stop. This music video features *everything* imaginable at the 1st summer session of camp 2014 at YMCA Camp Becket. What are YOUR kids going to experience in summer of 2015? What friends will YOUR kids make next summer at camp? Think: YMCA

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, September 29, 2014

BTS156: Homemade video: YMCA Summer Camp 2014

Old fashioned, homemade movie. Produced by a young camper from his perspective. 1st person perspective about what a YMCA summer camp is all about. Where will YOUR kids be next summer? Think: YMCA.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, September 26, 2014

BTS155: YMCA Summer Camp: Happy

Set to the song: Happy. Just a fun video with music all the way. Mostly staff - the kind of staff that become mentors to your kids on their own road to become future leaders. Quality. Caring. Compassionate staff. Where do you want YOUR kids next summer? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

BTS154: YMCA Summer Camp: Friendships

Music video. Surrounded by new friends, new experiences. A deep dive into this camp's offerings, benefits, experiences. Lots of water, fun, and friendships. One of the better videos documenting the life-changing, long-term benefits of YMCA summer camp. What about Summer Camp next summer? Think: YMCA
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

BTS153: Summer Camp: Forging Friendships

Forging friendships. Growing inside by being outside. This fast-paced video summary of YMCA summer 2014 camp gives you a complete perspective on what YOUR kids could be experiencing, friendships YOUR kids could be making -- for a lifetime! Plan for next summer already. Think: YMCA.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

BTS152: YMCA Summer Camp 2015 - Counselor Training/Team Building

Who are these "counselors" I'm leaving my kids with? Watch this video to see all the diversity of training that all YMCA summer camp counselors are put through. Counselors have one top priority: the safety of your kids. With safety comes tons of fun, and lots of friends. Summer Camp 2015? Think: YMCA
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Monday, September 22, 2014

BTS151: Old Friends. New Friends. YMCA Summer Camp

Old friends. New friends. Yurts. Goats. Baby cows. Horses. Music. Climbing Walls. Slip 'n Slides. Kayaks. Skits. There's a reason this video has over 4,000 views. This is what YOUR kids could have experienced at this YMCA summer camp. Make more friends next summer. Think: YMCA Summer Camp!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Friday, September 19, 2014

BTS150: Environmental Justice - A Documentary

Environmental Justice: A documentary. Short film. The last in this series, this short film features interviews with activists and advocates for clean air in the Long Beach, California area. Learn about asthma and air quality and the impact on young children in particular.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

BTS149: The Rise of Bike Lanes - A Documentary

A healthy documentary on the rise of bike lanes in the city of Long Beach, California. This documentary poses a variety of questions that develop the theme and convey the story of bike lane development in the city. Teen produced film. What are YOUR teens doing? Think: YMCA
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

BTS148: Juvenile Justice - A Documentary

Documentary: Juvenile Justice. Another short film with a powerful message. An interesting mix of black & white cinematography, and interviews with counselors that make a difference. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

BTS147: School Reform - A Documentary

Documentary. Interviews. Completely different film. Topic: School Reform. Hear from these teen students and their teachers about what their experiences are in high school about the disciplinary system and the learning environment. Also some eye-opening statistics! What are YOUR teens experiencing? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Monday, September 15, 2014

BTS146: Perfection: a teen-produced short film about teen life

Short film. Another story of teen change, peer-pressure, making friends, and fitting in -- the while going through some of life's biggest changes. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, September 12, 2014

BTS145: Silenced. A Short Film.

Short film. Powerful message. "...not all stories are told..." Real life situations enacted in this teen-produced short. Truly formative years impacting lives, in many cases, forever. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

BTS144: Regretful Actions – short film

Short film. Suspense builds. Back and forth. Present. Past. What's happened? Actions. Consequences. Watch this great teen-produced short film to find out. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

BTS143: Instability - A Teen Produced Short Film

Short film. Bullying. Friendship. Confusion. Instability. Another brilliant look into the lives of teens in America. Follow the plot. Think about what they're saying and how they're saying it. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA
The Post: http://wp.me/p4Apea-pC
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

BTS142: Unconscious - a teen short film

Short teen film: Emotions. Stress. Friendships. Disabilities. Death. A philosophically deep short film completely teen produced. Get a glimpse of what goes on in the lives of our teens. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, September 8, 2014

BTS141: Hoodlum Adventures – short film. Teen produced!

Short film. Some spicy Latin music.  How teens hang out. What teens do. Lights. Camera. Action. Story. All teen produced, teen directed. What are YOUR teens doing? Think: YMCA

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, September 5, 2014

BTS140: The Game. A teen-produced short film.

Game? Action. Romance. Friendship. This teen-produced short film reflects teen life and teen challenges. And the end it's about friendship. Or... is it? Watch and find out. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Thursday, September 4, 2014

BTS139: A Silent Movie - Phone Obsession

A silent movie with music. Black & white. Short film by the young artists at the YMCA Youth Institute. This is a real classic. And the juxtaposition of black & white with cell phones - brilliant! What are YOUR youth producing? Think: YMCA

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

BTS138: Spoons? Or Forks? - The Cycle - a short film

Spoons? Or Forks? - A Short film.  Is it worth fighting over? Another great short film produced by YMCA Youth Institute in Long Beach. Creative, and with a message for youth, for the world. Art. What are YOUR teens producing? Think: YMCA
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

BTS137: The Logic: A short film

A short film from the youth at the 2014 Long Beach Youth Institute. Notice some of the camera angles. Brilliant work! Future directors? No. Current directors! What are YOUR youth producing?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Monday, September 1, 2014

BTS136: King of Camping: A Conversation with Gary Forster

Gary Forster: the King of Camping! Gary talks about the simple, yet critical, fundamentals to run a successful camping program. 
Triangulation, cause-driven conversations is a long format conversational interview. 
In this episode, Yamplify.TV interviews Gary Forster of Gary Forster Camping Solutions, website http://GaryForster.com. You'll learn several simple secrets to running a successful camping program. The secrets are the same for for-profit and non-profit. Watch. Learn. Enjoy!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!