Thursday, July 31, 2014

BTS114: #Stand4Youth - Kobe YMCA, Japan - in English

Official new YMCA World Challenge song! The Kobe YMCA, Japan, (in English) does a fantastic job in this 1:45 video clip. Full of energy, set to music, and produced by the Kobe YMCA Youth - this clever video makes one smile! Will you stand up for youth? Spoiler: watch the lockers. :)
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

BTS113: #Stand4Youth, Duluth YMCA, Minnesota

Loud & proud! 2nd featured World Challenge 2014 video from the USA. Duluth YMCA. Set to music. They use quite a variety of physical space in and around their YMCA in this short clip. Will you stand up for youth?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

BTS112: #Stand4Youth - YMCA Cork, Ireland

Bold. Direct. The YMCA Ireland, in Cork, produced this super-short, direct message video for the 2014 World Challenge. It's simplicity and repetition makes it stand out and delivers its message. Will you stand up for youth? *note: Also see the other 3 videos produced by the Cork YMCA in Ireland - the only series of such videos produced by a single YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, July 28, 2014

BTS111: YMCA Kosovo #Stand4Youth

Full of music! Dance. These young people know how to deliver their message. In one of the longer videos (still short at only 2:33) this World Challenge 2014 features a happy and colorful group of youth. Will you stand up for youth? Watch. Enjoy. Stand up.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, July 25, 2014

BTS110: #Stand4Youth - Nasu Japan YMCA, in English

Acrobatic! Catchy music. These young people really outdo themselves with all their acrobatics and very creative use of props to get their message across. Very well done indeed! Will you stand up for youth?

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

BTS109: #Stand4Youth - YMCA Colombia, Bilingual - English/Spanish

Colorful Colombia! Energy! This video set to music is by far one of the most colorful entries in the World Challenge 2014 that we've seen so far! So full of energy and potential, these young leader will go far! Will you stand up for youth?
Twitter: @ymcacolo
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

BTS108: #Stand4Youth: YMCA, Schönholzerswilen Wuppenau, Switzerland

Video. 100% young women leaders. Silent video...until...the scream! This super-short video still gets the message across: I stand up for youth, and I want their voices to be heard. Will you stand up for youth?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

BTS107: #Stand4Youth - Spitak YMCA, Armenia, in English

Hilarious! Fun! This group took a comedic approach to their video for the World YMCA 2014 Challenge. Also set to music by Bob Marley, this video gets smiles while watching. Excellent! Will you stand up for youth?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, July 21, 2014

BTS106: #Stand4Youth - Osaka Japan YMCA, in English

A first! Completely different. A mix of young people and older people, in very business dress attire. This short video clip highlights how far-reaching and how passionate the theme of "Empowering Young People" is. They fully embrace the initiative and spend time in group work discussing and really thinking through how the Osaka YMCA can empower young people and let their voices be heard!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

BTS105: Stand4Youth - Tuckahoe YMCA, Richmond, Virginia

Music video. The Tuckahoe YMCA in Richmond Virginia is the first video contribution from the USA to be featured for the World Challenge 2014. And they do an excellent job! #Stand4Youth. Will you stand up for youth?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

BTS104: #Stand4Youth, Setúbal, Portugal

Clever. Fun! This video contribution for the YMCA World Challenge 2014, #Stand4Youth, campaign is filled with creativity. Another powerful entry in this worldwide campaign. Watch. Enjoy! Will you stand up for youth?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BTS103: Stand4Youth - YMCA Uster, Switzerland

2 Differences*. This 1-minute video features 2 distinctly different approaches that we have not yet seen in all the other countries' video contribution for the YMCA World Challenge 2014. Can you recognize those differences? Will you stand up for youth? *note: the answer in tomorrow's episode of "Behind The Scenes".

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

BTS102: Stand4Youth - YMCA Brasil

Courage. Super short video from Brasilian youth. This 24 second video contribution delivers the message in a simple yet meaningful way. No voice is too small to be heard. Will you stand up for youth? #YMCA Empowering Young People!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

BTS101: Stand4Youth: YMCA Katzweiler, Germany

Germany. The crowns. It's just coincidence. Or is it? Also in celebration of Germany winning the 2014 World Cup in Brasil, we've selected this 2014 YMCA World Challenge video contribution. It's just coincidence, but notice the "crowns" on the t-shirts in the featured image and also used as props in the video itself. Congratulations Germany! And a big Thank You to the YMCA Katzweiler for all the work they do, every day, to empower young people.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

TRI006: Cause-driven Conversation with Mike Ellis, YMCA of the USA

In this episode of triangulation you'll find out about "Operation Snack Attack", hear about Mike's assignments early in his career that carried him to Nepal and Sri Lanka, his geographic treks in his current position and how July 6th is a very special date for Mike. All this and more. Enjoy!

Friday, July 11, 2014

BTS100: #Stand4Youth: YMCA Ireland, Dublin - Video

Video. Dublin Ireland YMCA. Another super short video for 2014 YMCA World Challenge. Yet, they do an excellent job of getting the message through. Will you stand up for youth? #Stand4Youth. Twitter: @YMCAIreland

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

BTS099: Stand4Youth - Macau YMCA

Colorful! Fast-paced music. Youth-empowered video clip celebrating the 2014 YMCA World Challenge. This entry from the Macau YMCA. Notice how many youth are involved in this video. #Stand4Youth.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

BTS098: #Stand4Youth Video: Artsakh, Karabakh

Super-short video - 15 seconds. Still, the message is strong. Do you know where this country is? These youth and this YMCA are putting into practice what the YMCA is all about: Empowering Young People!

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

BTS097: Meet the Meevers! - 2014 YMCA World Council

Watch the SECRET handshake! At the 2014 YMCA World Council, Group work broke into 59 Groups. This is Group #26 - The Meevers. Meevers are a combination of meerkats (high sense of family) and beavers (hard-working also family-oriented). Hence, "Meevers". We were from, Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, Hong Kong, Macau, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, USA, England, South Africa, Madagascar, and India. ONE FAMILY. ONE WORLD.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Monday, July 7, 2014

BTS096: 2014 YMCA World Council - Empowering Young People!

83 Countries! 1300 YMCA Delegates! The official World Council 2014 Highlight VIDEO is now out and ready to be shared! Relive this historic week's best moments + join the #WorldYMCA celebration. From June 29 to July 5, 2014, 1300 participants from 83 different countries came to the YMCA of the Rockies to work together, rediscover the vision, refine the strategy and celebrate the World YMCA movement.
This video is a small but beautiful glimpse of the World Council 2014.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!