Friday, August 29, 2014

BTS135: Performing Arts - YMCA Middle School programs

Singing. Dancing. Performing. These middle school youth perform at a YMCA talent show. Yet another way for youth to enrich their lives, learn values, confidence and self-expression. Where are YOUR kids after school? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

BTS133: YMCA Youth Enrichment: Before and After School Programs.

Listen to this principal's perspective, also as a parent, as to the value and benefits of the YMCA before and after school youth enrichment programs. Fun. Structured. Fun. Learning. Fun. Variety.! Where are YOUR kids after school? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

BTS132: Youth Enrichment #3 - Painting. Homework help. Fun, active games.

Arts and Painting. Homework help. Fun, active games. All this and more at the Kitley Elementary school Before and After School enrichment programs. Also, hear from one parent how much the YMCA has helped her son in school. Where is YOUR kid after school. Think: YMCA

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, August 25, 2014

BTS131: Rocket ships and violins! - YMCA youth enrichment programs

Rocket ships and violins! This YMCA youth enrichment program is full-featured and well-rounded providing real continued, active learning. Look at the energized youth as they really *want* to participate in these programs. After school: where are YOUR kids? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

BTS130: YMCA Youth Enrichment - The Benefits

BEFORE and after school YMCA youth enrichment programs. Listen to the kids and the assistant principal of this elementary school enumerate the benefits of this program for the kids, parents and the school! Where are YOUR kids before & after school?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

BTS129: Youth Enrichment: YMCA After School

First in a new series of "Youth Enrichment" that Yamplify.TV will be featuring over the next few episodes on Behind The Scenes. Featuring kids, parents and staff, see how the focus on youth enrichment in YMCA after school programs makes a difference. Where are YOUR kids after school?

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

BTS128: YMCA After School - Comprehensive. Caring.

Do you want your children to be a part of the largest, most comprehensive, standards-based, after school enrichment program? Then the YMCA is where your child belongs. The YMCA: after school programs taken to the next level. Where is YOUR child after school? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

BTS127: YMCA After School Programs - Where lives are changed!

A mix of kids and adults talk about what YMCA After School Programs do for them. Lives are changed! What are YOUR kids doing after school? Think: YMCA.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, August 18, 2014

BTS126: YMCA - Where Community Happens!

Video short. This professionally produced video - a rarity to be featured here on Yamplify.TV - is nonetheless very well done and gives the community a much fuller and complete picture of what the YMCA does and what the YMCA means in your community. The Y... so much more!

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, August 15, 2014

BTS125: The YMCA: Where Hope Happens

The YMCA: Where Hope Happens! Jason Towne's story of the YMCA's impact on his life journey and the role of YMCA mentors, leaders and volunteers. From the streets to the YMCA to Harvard. Is YOUR child experiencing the YMCA?

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

BTS124: YMCA After School Programs - "I have a Dream"

Did you know? He was just another kid at the Y. Who? Watch and find out. Also listen to these youth about their dreams. And this is what YMCA afterschool programs are all about - for YOUR kids.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

BTS123: Summer: YMCA Camp Miller, Duluth, Minnesota

*THIS* is why we camp! Video: YMCA summer camp. Featuring campers from YMCA Camp Miller. They tell their story as to why the YMCA camping experience makes such a difference in their lives. Watch. Listen. Learn.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

BTS122: Video. Why Kids Should Play YMCA Youth Basketball

Video. Short. Something simple as kids playing basketball is bringing families and communities closer together. How? Watch this short inspirational video featuring kids and volunteer adults.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, August 11, 2014

BTS121: Triangulation - A Conversation with Mike Ellis

In this episode of triangulation you'll find out about "Operation Snack Attack", hear about Mike's assignments early in his career that carried him to Napal and Sri Lanka, his geographic treks in his current position and how July 6th is a very special date for Mike. All this and more. Enjoy!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, August 8, 2014

BTS120: Triangulation: A conversation with Brad Ricca

Brad covers from a life-changing missionary experience at 15 years old to right up to today while jogging with 3 of his young children. From a Bible College degree to software development on AS/400s to Disciple Making Pastor. There's a wide range of stories to learn from - on this episode of Triangulation, cause-driven conversations on the Yamplify.TV network.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

BTS119: Triangulation: Cause-driven conversation with Jody Jernigan

Who's the newest arrival in the Jernigan family? In this cause-driven conversation we learn of Jody's career travels throughout his 18 year history with the YMCA around the country. His ups and downs, highlights and learnings. Can you count how many different YMCAs Jody has worked at so far through his 18 years? There's never a dull moment. Jody is always learning, mentoring and serving his volunteers, staff and community members. Plus you'll find out about the newest arrival in the Jernigan family. It's all in this episode of Triangulation, cause-driven conversations on the Yamplify.TV network.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

BTS118: Triangulation: Featuring Jovče Krstitelče & Darko Vidanovski, YMCA Bitola, Macedonia, in English

"Triangulation" Cause-driven Conversations.
Featuring: Jovče Krstitelče & Darko Vidanovski of the YMCA Bitola, Macedonia.
72 videos! These two prolific film-makers are doing GREAT work for the YMCA Bitola in Macedonia. The topic is mostly about Y-Movie, their youth empowering video production program and how their current catalog of 72 videos serves the *mission* of the YMCA in Macedonia and indeed around the world.
*note: if you watch the end you'll also discover what "mesmerized" Jovče and what "terrified" Darko.
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

BTS117: A Conversation with Matt Fitzwater and Jordan Dubois

Young Leaders. Passion! Cause-driven. Listen to this conversation with these two inspirational leaders and what they're doing not only in their YMCA but also with their podcast: YCAST and their own production company YCAST productions.

Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

BTS116: Triangulation: A Conversation with Peter Burns, YMCA Victoria

Did you know? The YMCA Victoria Australia was bankrupt in 1978? What made Peter Burns, the 14 year old kid on a YMCA excursion to New Zealand, break down into tears? Learn all this and much more in this episode 2 of Triangulation:cause-driven conversation with a great, veteran, movement leader at perhaps the largest and most comprehensive such organization on the planet!
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

BTS115: #Stand4Youth - YMCA Itaquera, São Paulo, Brasil - in English

100% Brasilian! Rhythm. Music. Action. This video from the youth leaders in the YMCA Itaquera Brasil really delivers the message of the World Challenge 2014! It moves! Will you stand up for youth?
Behind-The-Scenes Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!