Friday, February 27, 2015

BTS250: YMCA Challenger Program - Special needs

Video. Special needs ages 3-30. YMCA Challenger. Listen to this story about how 2 parents and volunteers lead the way for a special community to respond to the needs of these children. This is about caring, respect, and responsibility. The #YMCA: so much more!
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

BTS249: Video. What does the YMCA mean to you?

Video. What does the YMCA mean to you? Watch this video, listen to these people -- each one of them describe what the YMCA means to them. The Y means something slightly different to each one of them, yet you'll notice a common shared theme amongst all of their answers. The YMCA. What does it mean to YOU?
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BTS248: YMCA - Safe Passage...for life

Video. Music. YMCA is a safe passage for life. Watch this fun, short, video set to music to see how the YMCA is a place -- a safe place -- for all ages. From infant care to active older adults staying mentally, spiritually, physically fit. The YMCA - so much more!
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

BTS247: Video. Luke's Story - My YMCA in six words

Video. Luke's story - My YMCA in 6 words: The Best Experience in my life. Luke talks about his learning to swim. He even feels proud of his ability to swim 25 laps! Now Luke is only 8 years old, but right now the YMCA is a foundational part of Luke's life. Think the YMCA is just a gym? Think again. The YMCA - so much more!
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

BTS246: My YMCA in 6 words...

Video. Diagnosed with cancer. Kevin's story of what the YMCA means to him as he fights through his cancer treatments to keep his mind, body, and spirit strong. After surgery, just a couple weeks later, Kevin participated in a 5K run. The YMCA: so much more!

Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

BTS245: NASA Space Center Director Tells YMCA Kids to Reach for the Stars

Video. Bob Cabana, director of NASA's Kennedy Space Center, recently told our YMCA Summer Camp kids to reach for the stars when it comes to making career choices. As a veteran astronaut, he said NASA is counting on them to become the future scientists and engineers who will get us to Mars and beyond. 
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

BTS244: My YMCA Story - The Jenkins Family

Video. My YMCA Story - The Jenkins Family tells their story, a family of 6, and how through financial assistance they are able to be a part of the YMCA. Through generous donations the Jenkins have become part of the fabric of the community - connecting with other parents and kids at their schools and at the YMCA. Community. Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

BTS243: YMCA - Kids and Summer Learning!

This summer our YMCA Summer Camp kids received more than 20 million minutes of reading, values, wellness and family time. It's an astonishing number, but what it really adds up to is that kids progressed - not regressed - this summer. And many are heading back to school further ahead of their peers in learning and achievement. 
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

BTS242: Safe Start - YMCA Water Safety Program

Video. Baby, 21 months old learning how to stay safe in the water. Safe Start water safety program. Just one of the many programs focused on water safety and healthy living. Family programs for infants through seniors. Diversity. Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 


Monday, February 16, 2015

BTS241: Video. Be Healthy at Work.

Video. Be Healthy at work! Do you have a sedentary job? Sitting most of the day? Aren't really a big formal exerciser? Well watch this super short video and some practical tips you can take during the day at work to get on the road to being more healthy at work? 

Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

BTS240: Video. My YMCA Story, Y-Achievers

Video. My YMCA Story. Y-Achievers. These young men and women, their instructors and their parents explain what the Y-Achievers program is all about. Y-Achievers is about instilling self-confidence, trust, dignity, respect, responsibility in today's youth -- the same youth getting ready to be our leaders. Social change. Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 


Thursday, February 12, 2015

BTS239: Video. My Summer at the YMCA

Video. My Summer at the YMCA. So many different ways to experience summer. Learning activities. Fun games. Action games. Swimming, biking, hiking, gardening, dancing - the list is virtually endless. Endless Summer Activities. Think: YMCA

Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BTS238: Video. My YMCA Story - Diane.

Video. My YMCA Story - Diane. From being sick and having a stroke to seeing all the rest of her family die - to kick boxing, zoomba belonging, becoming part of a family. The YMCA family. Family makes a difference. Think Family. Think YMCA.
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

BTS237: My YMCA Story - Danielle - Deepening Relationships

Video. My YMCA Story - Danielle. Deepening relationships at the YMCA as part of their LIVESTRONG program. What a powerful story she tells about working with cancer survivors - restoring their physical, mental and social health. Her t-shirt says it all: HOPE. Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Monday, February 9, 2015

BTS236: YMCA Summer Camp - Empowering Youth to Dream

YMCA Summer Camp- Empowering Youth to Dream. Story after story. Lifetime memories. Lifetime friends. Are YOUR kids bored during summertime? How many different activities can you count in this short video? That's YMCA Summer Camp. Give the gift of FUN to your kids. Think: YMCA Summer 2015.

Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Friday, February 6, 2015

BTS235: My YMCA Story - Joyce - 5 of 5

Video clip. My YMCA Story - Joyce - 5 of 5. Joyce and her workout buddies still do their 1-3-1. Find out what that is and how it has helped Joyce get more fit. Also, notice at the end how the YMCA has become so much more than just a gym. Friends. Wellness. Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 


Thursday, February 5, 2015

BTS234: My YMCA Story - Shannon - 4 of 5

Video. My YMCA Story. Shannon tells her story of YMCA camp when she was 8 years old. And now she has her own 8 year old boy, who also goes to YMCA camp. Shannon tells about friends from camp all those years ago. They still have annual reunions. They have a facebook page. Connections for life. Friendships? Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

BTS233: My YMCA Story - Summer Camp Highlights - 3 of 5

Music video. Nothing but camp. Variety. Count the number of different activities during this short video. Action, play, learning, swimming, art, outdoors, indoors -- so much variety. Kids bored over the summer? Think variety. Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

BTS232: My YMCA Story - Pie in Face - 2 of 5

Video. My YMCA Story. Best Summer Ever. Day Camp Director get pie in the face. Watch this lifelong memory moment for these kids. They get to shove a pie into their camp director's face. All in good fun. Lifelong memories? Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

BTS231: My YMCA Story - Carrie - YMCA Charlotte, 1 of 5

Video. My YMCA Story. Carrie loves to dance. Dance is her motivator. Doing poorly in school, Carrie needed help to stay in school so she could dance. Carrie found the YMCA. Her YMCA instructor reminded Carrie that she is 'strong and capable' every single day. What is your motivator? Think: YMCA
Yamplify.TV Video: Construction activities of how the post was assembled and Amplified!